Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: November 2006

  • Hilchot Shabbat – Grinding

    I have just posted the latest shiur from my Hilchot Shabbat classes. It is on grinding (tochen). I have rewritten it substantially since last year (the shiur has now more than doubled in size). Click here for the pdf.It is also posted on my other blogsite: www.hilchotshabbat.blogspot.com Enjoy. PS If you click on the adverts… Read more

  • Parsha – Vayetze

    Support Torah in Israel – please click on the adverts! to download a pdf printable version of this d’var Torah click here Exile and Presence According to the tradition there is a gap of 14 years between the end of last week’s Torah reading, when Ya’akov leaves his parents’ home, and the beginning of this… Read more

  • Parsha – Chaye Sarah

    For the pdf link click here Emunah and Bitachon From the very beginning humans were expected to expend effort to attain their goals. When G-d created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden, He commanded them to “work it and to guard it” (Genesis 2; 15). Even though everything was provided… Read more

  • Parsha – Vayera

    Click here to download this file as pdf When G-d tells Avraham that He is about to destroy Sodom and Gemorrah, Avraham pleads and bargains with G-d to save those cities and their inhabitants. During the negotiations, Avraham shows his humility by describing himself as “mere earth and ashes” (Genesis 18; 27). Rabbi Yonasan Eibschitz… Read more

  • Parsha – Lech Lecha

    Here is the beginning of the parsha shiur for Lech Lecha. You can click on the link for a pdf version, or look at www.parshatshavua.blogspot.com for all the parsha shiurim. Click here to download in pdf format “G-d said to Avram, ‘Go for yourself from your land, from your relatives, and from your father’s house… Read more