Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: December 2006

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    Please support our sponsors. Thank you. This d’var Torah plus a summary of the parsha can be found on my other blog www.parshatshavua.blogspot.com Please e-mail me any questions you have on this d’var Torah, or on the parsha in general. rabbisedley@gmail.com for a pdf version of this d’var Torah please click here Parsha – Vayechi… Read more

  • Please support our sponsors. Don’t forget to bookmark this page and www.parshatshavua.blogspot.com where you can also download a summary of the parsha, and sign up for my parsha newsletter. VayigashSecret Messages and Physical Protection The Torah tells us that at first Ya’akov refused to believe his sons that Yosef was alive. Only when “they related… Read more

  • Please support our sponsors. Thank you. Click here for a pdf printable version of the summary of Parshat Miketz Click here for a pdf printable version of the d’var Torah on Parshat Miketz Click on www.parshatshavua.blogspot.com for all the parsha stuff. D’var Torah for Parshat Miketz. Choice and Responsibility Pharaoh summons Yosef from the dungeon… Read more

  • I am trying to save up for a new pair of socks, so please support our sponsors.Chanukah SameachRabbi Sedley If you just want to see the parsha pages you can go straight to my other blogsite: www.parshatshavua.blogspot.com. enjoy your doughnuts and dreidles! Click here for a pdf file of the d’var Torah (which can be… Read more

  • short vort

    Here is a link to the short vort for this week (Vayishlach) which I did for Darche Noam (if you are on their mailing list you will get an e-mail with the link anyway). I don’t know how many of the other Rabbis manage to get Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader into their short vorts… Read more

  • Time for Reflection

    This is the d’var Torah that I gave to the Scottish Parliament many moons ago (Wednesday 26 January 2000 to be precise). You can see it on the official record of the parliament http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/business/officialReports/meetingsParliament/or-00/or040502.htm Not very good, but what would you have said. E-mail me your topic of choice for the Scottish Parliament (religious, not… Read more