Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: March 2007

  • Its nearly all over

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    Well, one kitten died this morning. I don’t think the other one is going to last much longer. (In fact since I started writing this post the second one has shuffled of its mortal coil also – at about 10:00 last night). I’m not sure if it was just too cold for them (even with… Read more

  • 11 o’clock feeding

    I’ve just finished the 11:00 pm feeding of the kittens (I know I seem to have a one track mind at the moment, but it helps take my mind of the panic of Pesach cleaning and the worry of when my wife will give birth – and how we will organise a Pesach brit if… Read more

  • They have survived


    They survived the night!!! Every time I woke up to feed them (actually I didn’t go to bed until 3, and then got up to help my son feed them at 4) I expected to find at least one dead kitten. But their lust for life is stronger (so far) than my inexperienced attempts at… Read more

  • Along came the cat …

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    … and ate the kid. It is a week before Pesach. We still have hardly started our Pesach cleaning. My wife is due to give birth some time in the next couple of weeks – and my 11 year old son came home today with two kittens less than a day old!!! Their mother abandoned… Read more

  • Amazing Pesach facts

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    I was trying to work out what Pesach would have been like in Egypt in that first year. I haven’t even got to any of the technical details yet, but just working out how many people there would have been in each house astounded me. Remember that the korban Pesach had to be eaten entirely… Read more

  • parshablog: Introducing the Absolut Haggada

    While browsing on jblog (http://www.israelforum.com) I found this excellent Haggadah. It deals with many of the same issues that I spoke about in the shiur (which is in the previous post) and answers some of the outstanding questions, such as when the Haggadah was put into its present form (some time in the Gaonic period,… Read more

  • Hagadah of Pesach

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    I gave a shiur a couple of days ago at Midreshet Rachel about the Mitzvah of ‘sipur yetziat mitzraim’. This is the mitzah of speaking about the exodus from Egypt on the night(s) of seder. I discussed the differences between this mitzvah and the twice daily mitzvah of remembering the exodus. We go through the… Read more

  • Short vort Parshat Zachor

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    I gave the short vort this week for Shapell’s. It is about Parshat Zachor. The midrash (Pesikta d’Rabbi Yishmael end of Beshalach)says that Amalek’s descendents are not accepted as converts. On the other hand the Gemara in Gittin (57b) says that Haman’s grandsons taught and learnt Torah in B’nei Brak. The short vort tries to… Read more