Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: April 2007

  • Real life Noah’s Ark


    Someone has finally done it. Johan Huibers has built a replica of Tevat Noach (Noah’s ark) complete with model animals and everything. OK, it is only half the size of the original, but that is still pretty impressive. I would certainly go to see it if I was anywhere near that part of the world!Visitors… Read more

  • Gemilut Chasadim and Loving your Neighour as Yourself

    IsraelForum.com ran a link to an article by spiked-online.com discussing the giving of aid, and how giving the wrong thing often makes a person feel good, even though it is not the right thing for the recipient at all. You can read the article here:JBlog Central – The Jewish Blog Network | Killing them with… Read more

  • Destress this Yom Ha’Atzma’ut

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    Happy Yom HaAtzma’ut. For those of you who are not familiar with the Israeli minhag, today is the day when you must have a barbecue with your family and friends, wave Israeli flags, watch the fireworks display, and most importantly go and bop people on the head with a squeaky hammer (like this one:) For… Read more

  • Every day

    So tonight is Yom Ha’Atzma’ut. Apart from the usual annoyances of getting hit with squeaky plastic hammers and dealing with the smell and smoke from barbeques it is a time to reflect and think, take stock of Israel, me, and the connection between the two.Of course in certain circles the big question is: whether to… Read more

  • Yom HaZikaron and Road Safety

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    This is a copy of my blog entry for www.torahlab.org. I felt it was worth sharing here as well. Have a look at their website for a lot of excellent stuff about Judaism and Torah. We are in between Yom HaShoah and Yom HaZikaron (actually today should be Yom HaZikaron according to the calendar, but… Read more

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    She finally has a name!!! It took us a week, but we finally agreed on a name for our new baby/ daughter/ sister. And she is now called (drum roll please…) ARIELLA She is named after my great Aunt (my father’s mother’s sister) who left Hungary before the Holocaust for New Jersey, with her husband… Read more

  • Suggested Names

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    Alit and the baby finally came home from the hospital last night (motzei yomtov). Alit spent the entire Pesach in hospital, apart from seder night. That is a long time! She is exhausted. Baruch Hashem everyone is well and there was no reason for them to have stayed so long, except that the hospital wanted… Read more

  • Mazel Tov

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    With thanks to the Maker of Heaven and Earth We wanted to announce to you all the birth Of a new Sedley girl Who has entered the worl’ May she fill us and the whole place with mirth. As the daf yomi cycle moves from Mo’ed katan to Chagiga, from evel l’yom tov we are… Read more

  • Burning chametz

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    Tomorrow morning (well, this morning actually – right now it is 3:30 am, but I’m not sure what time it will say when I post the blog or what time zone the blog is in) we will go outside and burn our chametz.I know this is an important mitzvah, and encourage everyone to participate, but… Read more

  • A more meaningful bedikat chametz


    I had been meaning to write a final follow up to the kitten saga, with my ‘Jerry Springer’ thoughts on the matter. Perhaps I’ll get a chance at some point. But right now I’ve discovered how to make bedikat chametz so much more meaningful – you can read what I wrote over here: www.torahlab.org/thestorysofar.phpCheck it… Read more