Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: May 2007

  • ‘GLAT’ kosher

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    While we are on the topic of boxes and getting out of them, this is the reason that google are the number one search engine on the planet: It is one page of their job interview questionnaire (the GLAT). You can find the answers and more questions here. By thinking outside the box (literally) google… Read more

  • I like… being Jewish

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    I like music. When I say that I don’t mean that I only like a specific kind of music (for example only music in D minor, or only microtonal music). True, there are some kinds of music that I don’t like, but many more that I do like. And even those that I don’t like,… Read more

  • Right Wing Modern O?


    I found this test on the internet (it was a link from re-jew-venate). These kind of tests never mean anything, and are always wrong, but actually I think this just about sums me up (I do usually wear a hat, and feel guilty when I don’t). If nothing else, this test might explain to Richard… Read more

  • Fantastic Friends

    The Talmud in Bava Metzia (24a) says that one of the three things a person is permitted to lie about (tell fibs) is how well he was treated and looked after when he stayed in someone’s home. Rashi explains that if he were to be honest about how well he was looked after, the hosts… Read more

  • Not grumpy and not old – an apology

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    Those of you who know me will (hopefully) realise that in my last post I was using the phrase ‘grumpy old men’ as a term of endearment. I include myself (see my profile) in the lovely people of Leeds who are ‘grumpy old men’ (though some of them are none of those).It was only several… Read more

  • Where are the socks?

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    I have to admit that this has not been the most succesful trip so far. For example, the main reason I came here was for a wedding. Except that the wedding has been called off (for good reason, but still very sad).I had hoped to pick up some stuff that I had left in Leeds… Read more

  • England trip

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    I’m off in a couple of hours to England. i’ll be in leeds for Shavuot (speaking at the tikkun lail in UHC, sermon first day at BHH at second day at UHC).Then I’ll be in London for shabbat and will be giving a shiur to women in Hendon on Sunday night.If you are able or… Read more

  • 2nd Sivan – Minchas Elazar

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    Today was the 70th yarzheit of the Munkacher Rebbe, the Minchas Elazar. You can read about how the American chasidim celebrated at theyeshivaworld.com The rebbe of Munkacs (or Munkatch), Rabbi Chaim Elazar Spira (who led the community from 1913 until his death in 1937) was the most outspoken voice of religious anti-Zionism. He had succeeded… Read more

  • Thank you Open Office!

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    I have been going crazy (not unusual) for the past 2 days trying to get Microsoft Word to do something very simple (I could have done it with a pen and paper). The programme kept on crashing on me every time (I think it has a thing against Bamidbar). After several hours (over 2 days)… Read more

  • The best toy ever!

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    My good friend and colleague, Rabbi Tanchum Burton has found the ultimate in post-modern, egalitarian, torah observant children’s toys. It is the egalitarian barbie! You can see her giving the daf yomi shiur, wearing her tefillin and doing hagba. Fantastic! Click the link (and tell him I sent you).rabbiburton.com What could top that? Your thoughts… Read more