Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: June 2007

  • New Bog Standard

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    Language Warning. The blog you are about to read may be unintelligible to non-English speakers (i.e. Americans). See end of blog, or use internet, for glossary.Subject Warning. This has nothing to do with Judaism or Israel. It refers to the place that Americans charmingly refer to as ‘restroom’ though I would probably not choose to… Read more

  • 12th Tamuz – Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman

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    Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman was recognised by everyone as one of the most brilliant Talmudic scholars of his time. Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman (1875-1941) was a prominent Rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva in pre-World War II Europe. He was one of the Chofetz Chaim’s closest disciples and a Torah scholar of note. His seforim on Talmud are learn… Read more

  • Pray for Learning

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    I have just come home from my son’s end of year performance (and what a performance it was – don’t ask. Just let me tell you that I love him a lot). The principle spoke told a story about R’ Shimon Shkop, who said that once, while learning in Volozhin, he was unable to understand… Read more

  • So you wanna be a Rabbi??


    (also posted on Torahlab.org) Jack’s Shackposted a question about what it takes to be a Rabbi. I suspect that if you conducted a survey of traits required to become a rabbi piety and devotion might not even make the top of the list. Right up there at the top would be stories and story telling.… Read more

  • The Good L-rd Made Them All

    The BBC reported on the ‘World’s Ugliest Dog Competition’. You can see a video of the winner here: World’s ugliest dog crowned. If you just want to see a photo – here is the winner. Of course he doesn’t hold a candle to the 3 times winner Sam (who only didn’t win because he died… Read more

  • Gay Pride March

    The Gay Pride March was the hot topic this week. Most of the blogs I’ve read have been very sensible (I don’t like reading blogs that aren’t sensible). I’ve avoided writing about it because I didn’t have time to think about how to express myself. My chevrusa cancelled on me this morning, so I’ll try… Read more

  • New Siddur

    A Big Jewish Blog wants your help. He is writing a new siddur and would like your contributions please. Siddur Kol Hevel What are your favorite, most inspiring, most unsettling passages? The ones you turn to, or that shaped you, for better or for worse? Ones you’ve stumbled across, and that haunt you–or tickle you,… Read more

  • Dont feel guilty about buying Harry Potter


    At last, the Orthodox can justify purchasing Harry Potter! Forget about the assur magic, or the tameh kissing, or the female author. Much more important reason to purchase is because it stops Reform from printing their siddur. (I can’t even believe this is true – but either way it is a classic): As you may… Read more

  • Happy Birthday Mum


    Even on the blog I’m belated. But I still have to post this.Yesteday was my Mum’s birthday (note correct spelling of Mum for non-Americans). It is so difficult being on the other side of the world from my parents – all I can do is chip in with my siblings to buy some flowers and… Read more

  • Pay Per Post direct


    This post is sponsored by Pay Per Post. So far I have made $27.50 from them, which is pretty good money (well it pays for the web hosting and then some). So now they have another way to make even more money. If you want to put an advert on your site you have a… Read more