Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: June 2007

  • Gaza is Israel’s fault cartoons

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    I should really have titled this post ‘proud to be a New Zealander’, but some of you may have thought I was being serious. Let me re-phrase that. I am proud to be a New Zealander (or kiwi as we like to call ourselves) but when I see how anti-Semitic – oops! I mean anti-Israel… Read more

  • Nobel Prize stolen

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    Poor old Yasser. Not only is he dead, and not only has the Palestinian Authority that he set up fallen apart, but they had the audacity to steal his nobel prize as well! The Hamas gunmen who broke into the Gaza house of late Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat on Saturday, also stole his Nobel… Read more

  • Blame Israel for everything

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    It never takes long for the world to blame Israel for whatever is wrong in the world. This time, of course, it is Gaza. Clearly Israel is responsible for the situation (actually, bizarrely, the critics of the world are right, but not in the way they had intended. If Israel had not negotiated with the… Read more

  • Rock music at Jewish weddings – Yated’s view

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    Deah v’Dibur is the online version of Yated Neeman (obviously since the internet is forbidden they can’t give the same name to their online version, because that would imply that they use the internet. So, like everyone else, they just pretend that they don’t hold of the internet and use it anyway). Yated is the… Read more

  • Spy vs Spy

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    This blog entry has been sponsored by the kind people at Webroot Spy Sweeper (in conjunction with Pay Per Post). I’m not such a good person to speak about internet security, because I’m always too nonchalant about the whole thing. I mean, anyone who wants to find out all my secrets just has to read… Read more

  • What’s a life worth?

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    I have a price on my head! I now know how much my life is worth. Well, actually how much my death is worth. I finally bought myself some life insurance. Now, if anything happens to me (chas v’shalom) I am worth one million shekels. Not very much is it. The question is, how much… Read more

  • computers, coupons and chochma

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    I just bought myself a new computer (as you know from a previous blog entry) and it came with Windows Vista. I really don’t like it very much. Apart from using up so much memory that I can’t do anything else, I can’t get my Bar Ilan responsa CD to work. Hopefully they will send… Read more

  • Mazel Tov Peres

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    Well, the impossible has happened! Shimon Peres has won an election (well, technically he didn’t win because the other candidates both pulled out, but he would have won). He is now the president elect of Israel in an honest and open election. In two months he will be 84 years old, and he has just… Read more

  • Making money with blogs

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    I have to be honest – one of the reasons that I started writing a blog was to try and make some money. I had read all these stories of bloggers earning 6 figure incomes, and I figured – why not me? It is true that I enjoy blogging, and it is nice to think… Read more

  • Brother Ben’s music video

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    My baby brother Ben has just made his first music video. You can see it here at you tube. (It is much better than MBD, which is not saying anything at all). I think its good. Make sure you leave a comment for him about it. Read more