Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: June 2007

  • You are what you eat – brachot and competitive eating


    I am going to begin teaching the laws of brachot from next week, both at Shapells and at Midreshet Rachel (and I just found out in the middle of writing this that I’ll be teaching a bekiyus shiur of gemara brachos – the 7th perek). Brachot is by far the most complicated halachic area that… Read more

  • 25th Sivan – yarzheit of Rabban Shimon…

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    Three of the ‘Ten Martyrs’ were killed on this date: Rabbi Chanina S’gan HaCohanim, Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel and Rabbi Yishmael ben Elisha. (this is brought down in the Tur and Shulchan Aruch OC 580). Their deaths are remembered in the kinah of Tisha B’Av ‘Eileh Ezkera’. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel was the grandson of… Read more

  • Put your money where your mouth is!

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    I know he is trying to become Prime Minister, and he is probably not completely squeaky clean, but I would vote for him. Arkady Gaydamak’s latest bid to gain popularity is purchasing the entire chain of Tiv Taam stores and is going to make them all kosher (until now they have controlled something like 70%… Read more

  • Freedom of expression

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    This is really interesting. I’m not used to such openness and honesty. The latest blog to join JBlog! central is Window Into Palestine. JBlog! define themselves as: JBlog Central provides an easy way to find Jewish blogs of interest. It’s amazing how the phenomenon of blogging has exploded into popular culture. And, as the popularity… Read more

  • Looking Bad(ly)

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    Last week we read the Torah portion of the spies. They were punished for bringing back a bad report about the land of Israel. As a result of this report and its acceptance by the people, the Israelites had to wander in the desert for 40 years (corresponding to the 40 days the spies were… Read more

  • What’s worse than Jewish music?

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    NOTHING! Not even the original dodgy 70s disco eurovision pop song that it was ripped off from! [caution: possible kol isha warning! and definite dodgy 70s disco warning!!] (I know this is old news, but I thought this edit was well done. The only problem is that I have had this tune in my head… Read more

  • Shabbos Torah – Lech Lecha

    Some things to read over Shabbos (my wife is waiting for the computer, so this will have to be quick) We read chapter 3 of Pirkei Avos this week I am working on a translation of Rabbeinu Yona’s commentary of Avos which will hopefully be published soon. In the mean time you can look at… Read more

  • Mussar from headphones

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    I recently purchased a pair of headphones manufactured by Maxell. They say on the outside of the packaging ‘LIFETIME WARANTY’. They look like this, only white and black: This is pretty impressive for fairly cheap headphones, but I was curious as to whose lifetime they were referring to (and how they know I won’t pass… Read more

  • Life Coaching and invisible ice cream cones

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    Ben Goldfarb is a good friend of mine (it makes me feel very old to think how long I’ve known him for). And yet he still continues to amaze me. He sits and learns every morning, and is an NLP life coach in the afternoons. He he has worked in the hi-techindustry in Israel. He… Read more

  • Grandma Rose’s Song

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    I was introducing the kids to the beauty of Simon and Garfunkel last night (my wife went out, and when she isn’t at home who knows what may happen!) We listened to a few songs and then I took out the guitar and we tried to sing a few.It seems that whenever I ask another… Read more