Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: July 2007

  • Tisha B’Av song


    To put you in the mood for Tisha B’Av (and while I was waiting for the scanner to scan) With thanks to Billy Joel: When we left Egypt, we were triumphantBut out of Israel, we were despondentWe’d got the lawOn Mount SinaiBut we were quick to give it up for sinning and lies We saw… Read more

  • Menahem Azariah me-Pano – 4th Av

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    Today is the yarzheit of R’ Menachem Azariah me-Pano (the Rema me-Pano) who was a great 16th century kabbalist and halachicist (or in other words, a Rabbi who knew all areas of Torah). Apart from his brilliance, and authority in halacha for later generations, one of the interesting things about the Rema me-Pano is that… Read more

  • Addicted to Blog


    (With thanks to Robert Palmer) Computer’s on, ‘coz I’m at homeMy mind is not, its turned to stoneMy friends don’t want, to talk to meI used to have a family I can’t sleep, I can’t sitI need to get, another hitMy blog has had, 10,000 viewsI’ll post once more, before I snoo-oooze Whoa,I used to… Read more

  • Babel Fish

    Nimrod would have loved it. Most of the world can now speak the same language – and the language is the internet (thanks to google). The next Tower of Babel has google at its heart. Apparently I can speak Spanish! I didn’t realise how brilliant google actually is. (I also have no idea whether this… Read more

  • Top Ten Reasons

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    Two posts that really changed my day yesterday (well, what I mean is that I quoted them several times during the course of the day). Juggling Frogs has written probably the best blog article I have ever read about how to sell vacuum cleaners and how (not) to do kiruv. She writes so well and… Read more

  • Ezra’s return

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    Cross-post from www.torahlab.org 1st of Av Today, the 1st of Av, is the day that Ezra arrived in Yerushalayim from Bavel. The Israelites had been exiled in Babylon for many decades, had seen the Temple destroyed and lost many of their family members. The kingdom of Israel had been destroyed and Yehuda was in tatters.… Read more

  • Rambam Yomi


    Another one of the ‘yomi’ cycles was started by the late Lubavitcher Rebbe – Rambam Yomi. There are three cycles, learning one mitzvah daily, learning one chapter of Mishna Torah daily, and learning three chapters of Mishna Torah daily. The latest cycle of three chapters began on Friday with the introduction. I went through the… Read more

  • Yarzhreit – R’ Shlomo Yitzchaki (Rashi)

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    Today (28th Tamuz) is the yarzheit of probably the most famous and most influential of all Ashkenazi Rabbis – Rashi. Arguably he is still the most influential Jewish author since the time of the Talmud. It is virtually impossible to move in the world of Chumash (and Nach) or Talmud without Rashi’s commentary. He wrote… Read more

  • Yarzhreit – R’ Shlomo Ganzfried

    Yesterday (Shabbat, 27th Tamuz) was the Yarzheit of the author of the kitzur shulchan Aruch – Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried. He was born in Uzhhorod (Ungvar) in the Carpathian region of the Habsburg Empire (now Ukraine). His father Joseph died when he was eight. Rabbi Ganzfried was considered to be a child prodigy and Ungvar’s chief… Read more

  • Power (and danger) of the blog

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    This is an excellent article that someone just sent me, which reminds me of the benefits and dangers of writing on a blog. Has anyone read the book that this article is based on? How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything…in Business (and in Life) Please give me your thoughts on it. OP-ED COLUMNIST;… Read more