Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: August 2007

  • 21st Av – R’ Chaim Brisker

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    Today is the Yarzheit of R’ Chaim (Brisker) Soloveitchik. Perhaps more than anyone else in the past 200 years he has shaped yeshivas and the style of learning that goes on within them. R’ Chaim’s most famous work ‘Rabbeinu Chaim Halevy al HaRambam’ has the status (almost) of one of the Rishonim and is learned… Read more

  • Yarzheits – Hebron and Tzfat massacres


    Today is the anniversary of one of the bloodiest organised pogroms to happen in Israel in recent times. In 1929 Arab riots led to massacres in both Hebron and Tzfat. In Hebron, this resulted in the removal of all Jews from the city, ending hundreds of years of Jewish life in that city. All together… Read more

  • Tu B’Av (Fifteenth of Av)

    The school holidays are here, which means that my brain is not. As someone commented to me this morning, during school holidays he understands the true meaning of the statemtent “the only person who is free is someoene learns Torah”! (I don’t actually think that was what Chazal had in mind, but still…) I know… Read more