Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: September 2007

  • Rabbeinu Yonah on Pirkei Avos – Its HERE!


    IT IS HERE! What a great way to prepare for Yom Tov – to go to the printer and collect THE BOOK! I have translated Rabbeinu Yonah‘s commentary on Pirkei Avos, which is an essential commentary on Avos, which until now has not been available to the English speaking public. R’ Wolbe writes that this… Read more

  • Archeology – not an exact science


    This is cross posted from www.torahlab.org It has bothered me for some time that we have virtually no archeological evidence for any of the stories in the Torah or Nach. Many years ago I remember a cover article in Time magazine which used this lack of evidence to ‘prove’ whether or not the Exodus ever… Read more

  • Hair Covering for Married Women

    A couple of months ago I posted about women and hair covering without going into the details. Drew Kaplan wasn’t happy that I didn’t answer the question that I began with. So, in answer to him, and to the original person who asked me the question, and for anyone else who is interested, I am… Read more

  • Happy post Yom Kippur post

    I hope everyone had a great Yom Kippur. I had meant to post before the big day asking forgiveness for all those I have offended or upset through this blog (and there are many of them – mostly unintentional on my part, and I hope they have forgiven me already before now, but if not…).… Read more

  • Rambam and Teshuva


    In preparation for Yom Kippur and doing Teshuva I have translated chapter 2 of Rambam’s Hilchot Teshuva and compiled a source book of commentaries and sources on and about it. If I say so myself there is some excellent stuff in there (it changed my understanding of teshuva). You can download it for free from… Read more

  • Yarzheit – Chay Adam

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    Today is not only Tzom Gedaliah (delayed by a day because of Shabbat, which makes some of the piyutim we said this morning in selichot somewhat ironic), but also the Yarzheit of R’ Avraham Danzig – the Chay Adam (also the Chochmas Adam and many other names). There were many books written in the 18-19th… Read more

  • Yarzheit – Noson Adler

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    Today is the Yarzheit of R’ Noson Adler, Rav of Frankfurt and teacher of the Chasam Sofer. Until I researched this post, that was all I knew about him (and the fact that he didn’t have any children, yet the Chasam Sofer didn’t name any of his sons after his Rebbe because he held that… Read more

  • Chumra of the Week Club


    Sorry if this has done the rounds already – I thought it was hysterical. Yonaty and Mehadrin Min Hamehadrin Min Hamehadrin are pleased to introduce: The Chumra of the Week Club • Are you concerned that people don’t notice and appreciate your yirasshomayim? • Do you sometimes get the feeling that your neighbor is observingmore… Read more

  • Best Article for Ages


    I am putting this on my blog for those who don’t read Yeshiva World, who may have missed this fantastic article. Nothing else needs to be said (which didn’t stop 123 people writing comments on yeshiva world with plenty to say). Read this if it is the only article you read this week! Rabbi Eli… Read more

  • The World Cares!


    This may be the first time I can remember when the Red Cross and European Nations cared more about a Jewish than the Israeli Government seems to do! May it be G-d’s Will that he be brought home safely today! Red Cross builds Shalit pressure The head of the International Committee of the Red Cross… Read more