Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: September 2007

  • Virtual Shmita?

    You may be concerned this shmita about whether to rely on ‘heter mechira’ where the land is sold to non-Jews for the year. There are many problems with this in practice, politics and philosophy (though nobody questions that it does ‘work’ and the produce may be eaten). Shomrei Shvi’it have come up with a brilliant… Read more

  • Is it kosher?

    Nowadays the consumer has to rely very heavily on the mashgichim (supervisors) to ensure the food they eat is kosher. It is impossible for the average person to know all the ingredients in products s/he buys, and extremely difficult for them to check on the kashrus of each one. In restaurants the diner has to… Read more

  • All Creatures Great and Small


    Perek Shira presents the the words of praise and gratitude which all of G-d’s Creation sing every day. A Bisele Babka has posted a link to 25 of the World’s Most Interesting Animals. I wonder what kind of song they would sing? Here are my suggestions (but please, this is only a joke. I know… Read more

  • Older and Wiser

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    Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? They don’t come much older than President Shimon Peres, but yesterday, while speaking to the Austrian chancellor he finally admitted (or figured out) something that most of us have known for a very long time – Hamas wants to destroy Israel! (Do you think he… Read more

  • Price of Love

    Many people complain about the shidduch crisis, and the associated problems in the ‘frum’ world. It is interesting to see that y-net and ‘Josh’ have cottoned on to the idea of shidduchim and are promoting it. Josh realises that if he wants something he has to pay for it. My only question is how much… Read more