Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: October 2007

  • Yarzheit – R’ Shimon Shkop

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    Known to all as simply R’ Shimon, R’ Shimon Shkop is one of the ‘Roshei Yeshiva’ who has become part of the staple diet of all yeshiva students. His chidushim in Shaarei Yosher with new and unique ways of looking at talmudic topics, revolutionised Torah study, and created a new foundation on which later novellae… Read more

  • Harry Potter – a rant

    For years Jews have been laughing at the Christian fundamentalists who thought that Harry Potter was dangerous and full of forbidden witchcraft and the like. But look whose laughing now… At the beginning Harry Potter was harmless entertainment, and the worst that could be said was that it was bitul Torah. Then as the series… Read more

  • Rabeinu Yonah on Pirkei Avos

    TorahLab has just published the first ever translation of Rabeinu Yonah’s classic commentary on Avos. The TorahLab team, headed by Rabbi David Sedley, has done a remarkable job at adding a significant contribution to Jewish literature and understanding. A little about the book and its history. “There were many great Torah authors and many styles… Read more

  • Yarzheit – R’ Meir Shapira

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    Today is the yarzheit of the founder of ‘daf yomi’, Rav Meir Shapira. Although the idea of daf yomi met with some opposition, with hindsight we can see the tremendous amount of Torah learning by people of all stripes that R’ Shapira brought into the world. Although a simple idea, it needed the right person… Read more

  • Pocket ‘davar acher’

    The good news about these pigs is that not only are they cute, but they probably won’t be appearing on any menu any time soon (‘pigs in blankets’ takes on a whole new meaning). They aren’t kosher, but they are small and easy to house train! No piggy messy surprises awaiting you when you get… Read more

  • Yarzheit – Kalonymus Kalman Shapira


    Yesterday was the yarzheit of one of my favourite chasidic Rebbes, the Aish Kodesh – Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira (just the name is enough to inspire awe!). Apart from being one of the true heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto and inspiring countless others during the darkest days of the Holocaust, the Aish Kodesh wrote books… Read more

  • Religious (in)tolerance

    I’m not personally a big fan of Jesus posters – if you have ever walked through the Arab Shuk in the Old City you will know that those ones with the eyes that follow you as you walk are creepy (not religious intolerance on my part – just anti-creepiness). On the other hand, I would… Read more

  • Dylan’s message


    Not only is he one of the greatest musical personalities of the 20th century, but Bob Dylan has managed to go back in time to find my ‘to do’ list from the late 60s (I think I had hair like that then too – well, a few years later, since I wasn’t actually born then).… Read more

  • Do we exist?

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    Any discussion of how the world and the people in it relate and connect to G-d HAS to begin with an understanding of the two main views of how to understand the Arizal’s concept of tzimtzum (contraction). Unfortunately, very rarely does anyone talk about this topic at all. It is too kabbalistic, so the Rabbis… Read more

  • Essential Jewish Library


    I had a phone call a couple of days ago from someone who was in a bookshop, trying to decide what to buy (thanks Vivi). Which led me to think about which books would make a basic Jewish library, and which every Jewish home should have. Of course, for me now Rabbeinu Yonah on Pirkei… Read more