Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: November 2007

  • Alexander and Jerusalem

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    Tomorrow (21st Kislev) is a day of celebration in Megillas Taanis because on this day Alexander of Macedonia acknowledged the Jewish rights to Jerusalem and the Temple. The Kutim (who seem to have tried often to cause trouble for the Jews) when to Alexander (who was the equivalent of the UN in those days) and… Read more

  • Peace talks are a game

    Some people feel that video games are the correct solution to the Middle East peace problems. Not the Palestinian bombers, or the corrupt (Israeli) leadership, or even the lack of spine (and power/authority) of any of the negotiators. A new video game will be distributed that will help solve the problem! Try to empathize with… Read more

  • Rebbi’s Yahrzeit


    Yesterday, Sunday 25th November 2007 – 15th Kislev 5768 was the Yarzheit of Rebbi Yehuda HaNassi, the Tanna and compiler of the Mishna. The Talmud at the end of Sotah tells us that: WHEN RABBI DIED, HUMILITY AND FEAR OF SIN CEASED. R. Yosef said to the Tanna, [when reciting this Mishnah] do not include… Read more

  • Should we go to Iran?


    The latest news from Iran (no, I don’t mean the nuclear reactor, or the hanging of homosexuals or the ‘honour killings’ of women who are raped) is that Moshe Aryeh Freidman has gone back for another visit. In case you don’t remember, he was part of a group of Neturei Karta (who have since been… Read more

  • Top Ten Excuses for Missing Shul


    These are the Top Ten Excuses for Missing Shul on Shabbos Morning. Please use them with discretion. Excuse Number 10: The Dog ate my Shabbos Shoes Excuse Number 9: The Cholent overpowered me and wouldn’t let me leave the house Excuse Number 8: I was meditating on a higher plane and lost track of existence… Read more

  • Megillas Antiochus (Megillat Antiochus if you prefer) is the Scroll of Antiochus, an ancient text which records the battles of the Chashmonaim (Hasmoneans) against the Yavanim (Greeks). Rav Sadiah Gaon claims to have traced Megillas Antiochus back to the time of Hillel and Shammai (which is about 100 years after the Chasmonaim and Antiochus), although… Read more

  • Oh! Nuts – 10% discount!


    When it comes to Chanukah I really am a Grinch. There are so many things I don’t like about the holiday, that it makes me rather grumpy. First there is all that messing about with oil and lights and trying to find the safest and halachicly best place to put the menorah (and the stress… Read more

  • Best Chanukah Album of All Time

    Just in Time for Chanukah – The Best Chanukah Album of All Time has just been released. Featuring such classic songs as: Sevivon, Stomp, Stomp, Stomp. I had a little dreidel (Oh when will you come back to me) The Maoz Tzur Rock Candles in the Night – (Frank Shin (Nun, Gimmel Heh) – atra)… Read more

  • Vayetze – the lighter side


    I received this from AH, and with his permission am posting it here. I don’t really understand it fully, so please don’t ask me any kashyas from Rashi or Gemarahs. But do leave feedback if you find it enhances your understanding of the Torah portion. There is nothing that is not hinted to in the… Read more

  • 7th Kislev – King Herod


    In Megillat Taanit is says that tomorrow (7th Kislev) is a holiday, because it is the day that King Herod died. Here is the Hebrew text (from Daat): כא. בשבעה ביה יום טב תרגום: בשבעה בו [בכסליו] יום טוביום שמת הרודוס מפני שהיה הורדוס שונא את החכמים. ששמחה היא לפני המקום כשהרשעים מסתלקין מן העולם.… Read more