Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: January 2008

  • Never too late to say sorry – to the Beatles

    I still haven’t finished writing all the thank you cards for wedding presents (we just celebrated our 15th anniversary). I feel that by now it is too late – especially as some of those who sent gifts are no longer in the land of the living. (If I’m being honest, I think I probably still… Read more

  • Anthrax Guitarist becomes frum?

    You all seemed interested in reading about the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s past. On a similar, but completely different theme, I wanted to look today at someone else’s present (i.e. future from back when). Last month my good friend Rabbi Burton spent a week trying to figure out whether Kevin DuBrow was Jewish or not. Someone had… Read more

  • Lubavitcher Rebbe as a real person

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    I spent a large part of Shabbos reading a very interesting book. I know I’m several years behind the times with this one (because the controversy has already been and gone, and the book is now selling on Amazon for $650!), but if you can get hold of it, I highly recommend “Larger than Life:… Read more

  • 10th Shevat – Yarzheit of the Rashash

    Today is the Yarzheit of the Rashash, R’ Sar Shalom Sharabi. According to many he is to the writings of the Arizal what Rashi is to the Gemara. In other words, it is impossible to fully understand the kabbalah of the Ari without the Rashash. There are many stories of his brilliance and his novel… Read more

  • Ascari


    If you have a spare few hundred thousand pounds to spare you may want to consider one of these two cars to add to your collection (it would look nice sitting next to the Roller in the garage). They say that it is a German engine, Dutch billionaire and Italian name, but they forget to… Read more

  • Getting Osama

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    I don’t know your views on the Republican candidates, especially after the latest primary. Since I am only a New Zealander I am not entitled to an opinion. On the other hand, as a Kiwi I rightfully take pride in this op ed piece from stuff (the best site for New Zealand news). Enjoy: I’ll… Read more

  • NZ Grandmother jumps further

    I just love these stories of people who live long and active lives and make the most of every moment. It is even better when they are New Zealanders – yet again NZ holds the record! I know that when a person gets to their final day of reckoning the first question they will be… Read more