Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: February 2008

  • 20th Adar Yarzheit of the Bach

    I went to NY for a wedding last weekend. I was in the States for a total of 3 days, but it has taken me more than a week to recover from the jet lag and the cold I picked up on the plane. There are so many things I wanted to blog about, but… Read more

  • How heavy were the Ten Commandments?


    I know it isn’t relevant until Ki Tissa, which we won’t read for another two weeks. (Or it was relevant to the daf from 3 weeks ago), but I was just wondering… How heavy were the two tablets that Moshe brought down from Mount Sinai? I mean in weight, not in importance. The Talmud (Nedarim… Read more

  • 3rd Adar Yarzheit of the Aderes

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    On Shabbos it was the Yarzheit of the Aderes, Rabbi Eliyahu David Rabinowitz Teomim (his initials spell Aderes). I wanted to copy and paste the wikipedia article on him to my blog, but there wasn’t an article on him. So I wrote it (mostly lifted from www.jewishencyclopedia.com). He is one of the few Rabbis who… Read more

  • Temple rebuilt

    This Shabbat is the 3rd of Adar which is the anniversary of the completion of the construction of the Second Temple. The book of Ezra tells us that on this date they finished rebuilding the Temple which had been destroyed more than 70 years earlier. Even though this Second Beis Hamikdash did not compare at… Read more

  • UK to accept Sharia law?

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    The BBC is reporting today on an interview with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams. For those of you who don’t know, Her Majesty the Queen is the head of the Anglican Church (Church of England) but the Archbishop of Canterbury is the senior bishop and principal leader of the church. (I suppose equivalent… Read more

  • Lion of Zion for Gaza


    Of course it is Israel’s fault! By closing off the Gaza strip they completely prevented essential humanitarian supplies such as a lion cub and a monkey from entering the Strip! I hope that this is what they are referring to when the Shin Bet tells us that Hamas now has advanced weapons that they smuggled… Read more

  • What shidduch crisis

    The Orthodox world is having a shiddush crisis at the moment. There are far more women looking to get married than men, and the men are not interested (for the most part) in women who are too bright. So any woman with a career and an education finds it doubly difficult. In addition, the expectation… Read more

  • The Day the Music Died

    I know I usually focus more on Yarzheits of Rabbis and Jewish people, but I couldn’t overlook the fact that today is the anniversary of the deaths of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper. Who knows how the face of popular music would have been changed had they not died so early in… Read more

  • Generate more blog traffic


    Everyone wants more traffic to their blog. What is the point of writing if the entire world isn’t reading?There are many different sites where you can submit your blog and will hopefully get a lot of hits in return.One of these sites that I’ve just discovered is Buzzfuse. It is different than the others, because… Read more