Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: November 2008

  • Oh Nuts time again


    Last year I ran this advertisement for ‘Oh Nuts’ and they’ve asked me to run it again. Order now in time for Chanukah. Enjoy! Just click on the links below. And have a great Chanukah! This Chanukah, treat your guests with Hanukkahcandy thank your host with a Hanukkah gift Basekts and delight your kids with… Read more

  • Some old photos

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    Avi’s bar mitzvah is in a couple of weeks (I can’t believe he is so old – and that means I am even older!) So to celebrate, here are a couple of photos that I just found (thanks Daniel) of Avi in Edinburgh – looking at the penguins in the zoo, and another of him… Read more

  • Avi’s Tefillin

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    Avi’s Bar Mitzvah is in a month – which is both exciting and scary! So yesterday he put on tefillin for the first time. Here are some photos of him wearing his tallis and tefillin!(and one of Shani playing guitar, and Ariella watching excitedly) Read more

  • Amichai Yosef Sedley

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    Here are a couple of video clips of the bris of my newest nephew – Amichai Yosef Sedley (Michael and Debbie’s latest addition to the clan). The bris was today in Chashmonaim (which is next to Modi’in, and unlike Modi’in actually has purpose built Shuls with simcha halls). It is (municipal) election day here in… Read more

  • Using a spider drawing to pay the bills


    What with the current economic recession, and the elections, and the general state of life in Israel – this is some well deserved comic relief and furthermore provides potential to solve your economic problems: (It is actually one of the funniest things I’ve seen all year. A guy trying to pay his bills with a… Read more