Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: September 2010

  • Avodah Zara 10a and Jesus

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    This week in Daf Yomi we learned a lot about Romans. One of the things that Rashi cites on daf 10a is that the Romans have no language or script of their own. For anyone, like me, who spent years studying Latin and learning Virgil, Cattallus, or any of the other Latin authors it is… Read more

  • Near Miss


    Phew! That was a close thing! Cyber pirates tried to hack into an Israeli website, but accidentally hijached the website of a stately home in Israel, according to the Daily Telegraph. I hope this is another encouraging sign for the peace process. If the Palestinians (or Algerians in this case) are happy with stately homes… Read more