Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: May 2011

  • Audio Shiur – Semicha and Mashiach

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    Here is a shiur I gave yesterday to Midreshet Rachel (for Lag BaOmer) about the concept of Semicha (which is one of the reasons given for the celebrations of Lag BaOmer) and here are the source sheets to go with it (in Hebrew only I’m afraid)Download Source Sheets I recorded it with a new app… Read more

  • Gene Simmons on Obama’s Speech


    This is too good to miss. Gene Simmons (the one with the tongue from KISS) on the Israeli political situation and Obama’s lack of understanding. I love it when Israel and music come together. And for Lag BaOmer too – when we can discover the secrets of the Zohar and the brilliance of KISS. Hod… Read more

  • Yom HaAtzma’ut in Bnei Brak


    I found this poster from Bnei Brak for Israel Independence Day 1949. It says: Bnei Brak Local CouncilYom HaAtzma’ut Festival in Bnei Brak! On Tuesday 4th Iyar 5709 (3.5.49) at 8 in the evening, a festive parade will take place for all the local organisations with the participation of the Israeli Armed Forces and sponsored… Read more

  • Yaakov Bei Rav and Semicha

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    Today, 1st Iyar, is the yarzheit of a very interesting person in Jewish history. Rav Yaakov Bei Rav passed away on this day in 1546. His main contribution to history was that in 1538 R’ Yaakov Bei Rav reintroduced semicha in Eretz Yisrael for the first time in several hundred years. The background to the… Read more

  • When fashion meets Chareidim

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    Not so long ago the Vizhnitzer Rebbi banned his students from wearing anything but plain plastic framed glasses. The rabbi called on students wearing modern metal glasses to remove them and move to anti-modern plastic glasses. Rabbi Hager also spoke out against yeshiva students wearing contact lenses. According to a Hasidism source, metrosexual men and… Read more

  • The Queen Speaks

    With all the royal excitement going on, and some people (but probably not most Americans) coming to see the beauty of the Royal family, I thought this clip of Her Majesty speaking about her life, and what she does, was touching, and also very interesting. One does tend to forget that when one speaks to… Read more

  • Royal Wedding and the Chief Rabbi


    Some people are very upset that the Chief Rabbi, Lord Jonathan Sacks, attended the Royal Wedding. I am not a posek and will not make a halachic ruling, but I do have personal experience. Her Majesty the Queen invited me, representing the Jews of Scotland, to attend a service of thanksgiving in St. Gyles Cathedral… Read more

  • Status of Jews before Matan Torah and Why Jews Stink

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    I will be giving a shiur next Shabbat, and I want to speak about the machlokes between Ramban and ‘the French Rabbis’ (quoted by Ramban) about the status of Bnei Yisrael before Matan Torah. Ramban is commenting on Toras Cohanim (cited by Rashi) at the end of the Parsha which states that the ‘blasphemer,’ who… Read more