Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: November 2011

  • Parshat Toldot – Esav, Rome and Free Choice

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    I gave this shiur last night in Jerusalem. I look at several Rashis (citing Midrashim) that imply that Esav was born bad, and therefore had no free choice. I also try to find the basis for the Talmudic connection between Esav and Rome (and going one step further, the connection in the Rishonim between Esav… Read more

  • Parshat Chayei Sarah – Superstition

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    Here is a shiur I gave this week to a group in Katamon. It is similar, but different, to the shiur I gave last night on WebYeshiva I begin with Stevie Wonder’s “Superstition” and look at Eliezer’s quest to find a wife for Yitzchak. He asks G-d for a sign to help him find a… Read more

  • Vayera – What is Faith?

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    I gave a shiur tonight(I know it is not Tuesday, but we can pretend, though the shiur may have to be renamed the ‘Sunday night shiur’ quite soon – thanks Yonit for hosting). The shiur is on Vayera and the definition of faith. Do we arrive at faith/belief through rational investigation, or by accepting unquestioningly?… Read more

  • Lech Lecha – Discovering G-d

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    I gave a shiur last night (and a big ‘Thank You’ to Katy for arranging and hosting the shiur). The shiur is on Lech Lecha and whether Avraham perceived G-d in the same way that Moshe Rabbeinu did. Was Avraham a believer in the Platonic concept of creation, or in the creation ex nihilo of… Read more