Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: January 2012

  • Parshat Beshalach – Amalek and Theology

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    This shiur is also based on the writings of Rav Tzadok HaCohen. May this shiur be a Refuah Shleima for Shiri bat Gila. Rav Tzadok says that remembering what Amalek did to us is really about remembering the sin that we committed which led to Amalek coming. But the Torah does not specify what the… Read more

  • Sources of Talmudic Sayings

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    I was just browsing randomly (I know – there is no such thing as random, but the beauty of the internet is that you can begin looking for an explanation of a gemara in Nida and end up in a California library), and discovered this book Echoes of Wisdom: It is a collection of sayings… Read more

  • Rosh Chodesh – the Power of Renewal

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    This shiur is also based on the writings of Rav Tzadok HaCohen. The shiur is sponsored in memory of Irena bat Ilia Brezner. May her soul be bound in the bonds of Eternal Life. This week is a new beginning for my Tuesday night women’s shiur – we have moved to a new home in… Read more

  • VaEra – Derech Eretz

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    This week (and hopefully in coming weeks) I’m using Rav Tzadok HaCohen as the basis for the shiur. The parsha begins with G-d telling Moshe that He only appeared to the Avot as E-l Shaddai, but He will appear to Moshe as YHVH. The problem is that G-d appeared many times to the Avot with… Read more

  • Project on Aging


    I have been working for TAG-Institute for the past couple of months. Tag is an organisation dedicated to promoting the broadest possible contribution of Jews and Judaism to the improvement of the world. It does this in two ways – the dissemination of knowledge of Jewish social values through Tag Institute for Jewish Social Values,… Read more

  • Ninth of Tevet


    Today is the 9th of Tevet. Rabbi Dr. Shnayer Leiman has given one of the best shiurim I have ever heard on reason for the fast on this day (which nobody fasts on). You can hear the shiur (or download it) on the Yeshiva University website:http://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/715371/Dr_Shnayer_Leiman/Jewish_Perspectives_on_Early_Christianity_-_Nittel,_the_Ninth_of_Teves_and_Pope_Simon_Peter The shiur begins with a cryptic Rashi in Avoda… Read more