Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: February 2012

  • Parshat Tetzaveh – Aharon and Kiruv

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    This shiur is based on the writings of Rav Tzadok HaCohen. This shiur is dedicated anonymously. Parshat Tetzaveh is basically a listing of the various garments worn by the Cohanim and the Cohen Gadol. Rav Tzadok asks three questions on Parshat Tetzaveh:1. Why is Moshe’s name missing from this parsha?2. Why is the golden altar… Read more

  • Dwarves on the Shoulders of Giants

    The well known phrase “Dwarves on the Shoulders of Giants” is often attributed to Sir Isaac Newton who wrote in a letter in 1676 If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants . To quote Hillel Levine Rationalism and empiricism usurp the authority of traditional knowledge—this authority being based… Read more

  • Bar Kochba Tartan?

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    Last week I was speaking with my father about the similarities between the Scots and the Jews. Both seem to make a disproportionate contribution to politics and business throughout the world (though we were speaking mainly about Britain and New Zealand). Then I was at a wedding later in the week and I heard something… Read more

  • Rain Boots

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    Last week half of the country went on strike, which meant that we had no weather. Now the strike is finished and Baruch Hashem it is raining here, and in honour of the rain and the weather here are two clips about rain boots. In the original version, by the Big Yin (Billy Connolly) he… Read more

  • Mishpatim – Naaseh veNishma

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    This shiur is also based on the writings of Rav Tzadok HaCohen. May this shiur be a Refuah Shleima for Shiri bat Gila. Mishpatim contains not only many of the civil laws which guide us as a nation, but also the continuation of Maamad Har Sinai and the Giving of the Torah. At the end… Read more