Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: October 2012

  • Masechet Purim


    I know that Purim is still a long way away, but I just discovered this fact (in the very interesting book Printing the Talmud: From Bomberg To Schottenstein Nowadays, a spoof of a current event has to be made within a few hours, or at most a few days, otherwise it loses its bite. However,… Read more

  • Noach and the Flood


    *** Possible potential heresy warning *** Over on his blog, Dovbear asks what an Orthodox Jew is supposed to do with the story of Noah and the flood. He provides several answers, and to be honest, none of them are totally satisfactory. I would add another difficulty to the story, which is the great similarity… Read more

  • Missing vav in Parshat Noach

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    There seems to be a vav missing from my Chumash in parshat Noach. Can anyone help explain to me where it has gone? Let me explain what I mean (I am really no expert in these things, so there may be a really obvious answer): In Bereishit 9:29 the verse (in my chumash) reads: וִיהִי,… Read more

  • The Four Suns

    Sorry – couldn’t resist this one: The media is reporting a planet that was discovered that has four suns! I thought Tatooine was cool with two suns (I actually spent an hour once at a bar mitzvah discussing with a physicist whether or not that was possible, and what shape its orbit would be –… Read more

  • Open Minded Siyum

    Mazel Tov to all those who are learning daf hayomi and made a siyum today on Masechet Berachot. I don’t think Hallmark have yet made a card for this milestone event, but mazel tov to all of us, and may we continue to learn, to teach, to observe and to keep the mitzvot. (I still… Read more