Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: March 2013

  • Sefira Reminder

    Don’t forget to (ve-hameivin yavin) Read more

  • Korban Pesach

    One of the advantages (?) of President Obama’s visit to Israel is that according to Arutz Sheva: The annual korban Pesach service will take place in a different location following a court petition. In previous years the ancient Jewish tradition was performed at the Tayelet promenade in Jerusalem overlooking the Temple Mount area. However this… Read more

  • Formula 1 in Jerusalem

    Nir Barkat and the Jerusalem City Council keep coming up with new things. Now they are bringing Formula One to Jerusalem. I have no idea how those cars can make the turn at the Haan Theatre. I guess I’ll have to go there to watch and find out for myself (but I won’t stand too… Read more

  • Rav Kav Update


    I must say that I’m very impressed. The people from CityPass phoned me just now (Monday – I left them a query last Thursday, so that is quite quick). They confirmed and clarified that the “maavar/transfer” DOES still work from bus to train and back again within 90 minutes (provided that the RavKav ticket is… Read more

  • Last week was Albert Einstein’s birthday. He was a very smart man. One of the interesting things that I saw posted in honour of his birthday was this letter that he wrote regarding scientists and religion The Riverside Church January 19, 1936 My dear Dr. Einstein, We have brought up the question: Do scientists pray?… Read more

  • New Zealand – Godzone Chosen Land

    Jeremy Clarkson (of “Top Gear” fame) has dubbed New Zealand the real “Holy Land” in his column for the Sunday Times If you were God and you were all-powerful, you wouldn’t select Bethlehem as a suitable birthplace for your only child, because it’s a horrible place. And you certainly wouldn’t let him grow up anywhere… Read more

  • Practical Difficulties of Being an Editor

    Sometimes it is hard to separate between life and work. Especially when work consists of sitting in front of a computer all day editing and translating. Then family time starts. And the following is just one example of what can happen. WIFE (to son): Don’t let me EVER catch you lying to me again! ME:… Read more

  • Think Twice Before Using the Jerusalem Light Railway

    Public Service announcement for those who take the light railway in Jerusalem. ***See RESPONSE FROM CITYPASS POST*** ***NEW: POTENTIAL CLASS ACTION SUIT AGAINST CITYPASS*** I found out today that CitiPass, the company that runs the trains, no longer honours the transfers from the Egged busses. When the train was proposed, built and became operational, the… Read more

  • learning from a non-existent verse

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    Those of you who are learning daf yomi will have learnt (or be about to learn) the first daf of Eruvin today. On this daf, the gemara tries to find a source for the maximum height and width of a hechsher mavoi. At one point the gemara tries to learn from a verse, which Tosefot… Read more