Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Month: July 2013

  • Medieval Theory of Vision


    This post may have relevance to a book I am working on, so if anyone has any ideas or comments or explanations I would very much welcome them. The ancient Greeks were basically divided into two camps of how vision works. One camp held with the theory of Emission (or extramission) in which visual perception… Read more

  • Invalidating a Beit Din

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    Over on CrossCurrents Rabbi Gordimer continues to accuse Rabbi Zev Farber of heresy. (To be honest, I’m not sure that he is wrong – it seems to me that Rav Farber has crossed some unwritten line, but that may be the topic of another post). However, in his latest post Rabbi Gordimer goes a step… Read more

  • New Chief Rabbis


    I just wanted to write a very quick blog post about the newly elected Chief Rabbis – Rabbi David Lau and Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef. Firstly, I am so glad that the elections are over. It has been an embarrassing chilul Hashem for the past several months as Rabbi engaged in politics and horse-trading. It should… Read more

  • Biblical Kangaroos

    This post is inspired by the scientific writings of Dr Isaac Betech (pediatrician). The statement by YSO that Kangaroos were known by both the Torah and by Chazal confused me at first, because it seemed to pose a difficulty to the mishna. But Baruch Hashem, using scientific methodology we have been able to clearly resolve… Read more