Rabbi David Sedley

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3rd Adar Yarzheit of the Aderes

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On Shabbos it was the Yarzheit of the Aderes, Rabbi Eliyahu David Rabinowitz Teomim (his initials spell Aderes). I wanted to copy and paste the wikipedia article on him to my blog, but there wasn’t an article on him. So I wrote it (mostly lifted from www.jewishencyclopedia.com). He is one of the few Rabbis who wrote an autobiography (which is out of print now, and I can’t even remember what it is called) so I was amazed at how little information there was about him. He was the father in law of Rav Kook, so I would have expected there to be a lot more information about him.

Please add any more biographical information you may have on him both the wikipedia article and to the comments of this blog.

Thank you and Shavua Tov.

Here is the wikipedia article:

Rabbi Eliyahu David Rabinowitz Teomim (1845-1905) was known by his initials as the Aderes (Aderet). He was one of the greatest European Rabbis of the nineteenth century. He is also famous as the father-in-law of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook


Russian rabbi; born at Pikeln, government of Kovno, June 11 (6th Sivan), 1845. He studied Talmud and rabbinics under his father (who was rabbi successively at Shilel, Rogova, and Vilkomir), and at the age of fifteen had acquired a substantial knowledge of Talmudic and rabbinical literature. In 1873 he was invited to the rabbinate of Panevėžys, in the government of Kovno. After twenty years in that rabbinate he was appointed rabbi of Mir, government of Minsk. In 1901 he was made assistant to Samuel Salant (chief rabbi of the Ashkenazic communities at Jerusalem), whose age precluded his continuing to discharge unassisted the full duties of the rabbinate.

He passed away on 3rd Adar 1905.


Rabinowitz wrote more than 120 books including novellæ on Maimonides’ “Yad” (Vilna, 1900), and published also novellæ and glosses on all branches of Talmudic literature in “Ha-Tebunah,” “Kebod ha-Lebanon,” “Ha-Ẓofeh,” “Ha-Maggid,” “Keneset Ḥakme Yisrael,” “‘Iṭṭur Soferim,” and “Keneset ha-Gedolah.” Many of his novellæ and notes are printed in works to which he gave his approbation.

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