Rabbi David Sedley

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Summary of Parshat Beha’alotecha

Parshat Beha'alotecha (Gemini AI)

G-d tells Moshe to instruct Aharon how to kindle the Menorah in the Mishkan. The Levites are inaugurated into their task of serving in the Temple. Firstly each of them must shave his entire body, then he must immerse himself in a Mikva. They bring a sacrifice jointly, and the Israelites ordain the Levites to serve. Finally Aharon takes each individual Levi and waves him to designate him as sanctified to G-d. The Levites should serve in the Temple from the age of 25 until 50.
Those people who were unable to bring the Pesach sacrifice because they were Tamei (ritually impure) come to Moshe to complain that they have missed out. Moshe asks G-d what they should do and G-d commands the Jews about Pesach Sheni (Second Passover); those who were Tamei or too far away to bring the Pesach sacrifice on the 14th of Nissan are to bring it one month later, on the 14th of Iyar instead.
The Torah describes the moving of the camp. From the time the Mishkan was erected a cloud hovered above it, signifying G-d’s presence. When the cloud rose it indicated that they should move on. G-d instructs Moshe to make two silver trumpets These will be sounded to assemble the people, and to indicate that they should break camp. In the future the Cohanim will be the ones to sound these trumpets. On the 20th of Iyar, in the second year after the Exodus, G-d tells the Israelites to leave Mount Sinai and journey to the Paran desert.
Moshe invites his father-in-law Chovev (Yitro) to accompany the Jews on their journey to the Land of Israel. Even though Moshe pleads with him to stay with them, Yitro decides to return to Midian. The people begin to complain. G-d displays His anger by sending a fire to consume the edge of the camp. The people cry out to Moshe, and when he prays the fire dies down. He names that place “Taveira” (“Burning”).
The mixed multitude that accompanied the Israelites incite them to complain again about the Manna which they are eating. They ask for meat instead. G-d is angry and so is Moshe. Moshe complains that the Jews are too much of a burden for him to bear alone. G-d tells Moshe to assemble seventy elders and gather with them in the Ohel Mo’ed (Communion Tent). G-d will then give them prophecy, and thus enable them to assume partial responsibility for the nation. G-d also tells Moshe to warn the people that they will receive meat from G-d for a full month, until it makes them sick. Moshe questions how G-d will be able to provide so much meat and is rebuked for placing limits on G-d’s powers. While Moshe assembles the seventy elders, two other people in the camp, Eldad and Medad, also begin prophesying. They say that Moshe will die in the desert and that Joshua will bring the Jews into Israel. G-d then causes a wind to blow which sweeps up quail from the sea and drops them over the Israelites camp. The people all gather quail for two days. The meat is still between their teeth when G-d sends a plague to strike them down. Moshe names the place “Kivrot HaTa’avah” (“Graves of Craving”). From there they travel to Chatzerot.
Miriam complains to Aharon on behalf of Moshe’s wife. The Torah attests that Moshe was the most humble of any man on the face of the earth. G-d suddenly calls Moshe, Aharon and Miriam into the Ohel Mo’ed. G-d explains to Miriam and Aharon that the type of prophecy which Moshe receives is qualitatively different than any other prophecy. He rebukes Miriam for speaking against her brother and strikes her with tzara’as (a leprous disease). Aharon entreats Moshe who prays for Miriam to be healed. G-d instructs Moshe to leave Miriam quarantined outside the camp for seven days and then she will be able to return home. The whole camp waits for Miriam to return home before travelling onwards.

David Sedley on the ParshaDavid Sedley’s Times of Israel Blogs
on Beha’alotecha
Tosefet Beracha
Beha’alotechaThe trouble with visionaries
A stranger among us
Second chances
Tosefet Beracha on Beha’alotecha

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