Rabbi David Sedley

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Rain Boots

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Last week half of the country went on strike, which meant that we had no weather. Now the strike is finished and Baruch Hashem it is raining here, and in honour of the rain and the weather here are two clips about rain boots. In the original version, by the Big Yin (Billy Connolly) he sings about Wellies (short for Wellington Boots – which is what they call them in Britain)

In the version I grew up with in New Zealand (where we call them ‘gumboots’) it was Fred Dagg who said “Kick it in the guts Trev”

The only difference is that the politicians are different, as are the accents. Enjoy.

On an entirely different note, if you are interested in purchasing any of my (and Hashkafa Circle) books on Lulu you can now get a 30% discount by using this coupon code: FEBRUARYCART305GBP

Or you could get Reshimu (though that is available as a free pdf download from www.hashkafacircle.com

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