Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Top Ten Biblical Names

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… That you probably won’t name your kids:

In alphabetical order this time:

Number 1 Artaxerxes: Ezra 7:13-28.

Number 2 Merodach-baladan: Isaiah 39: 1

Number 3 Chedorlaomer: Bereishis 14

Number 4 Chushan-Rishathaim Shoftim 3: 8

Number 5 Gomer: HOshea 1: 3

Number 6 Hadadrimmon Zechariah 12: 11

Number 7 Ham: Bereishis 5: 32

Number 8 Ishbi-benob: Shmuel 2 21: 16

Number 9 Jeconiah: Divrei Hayamim 2 36: 9

Number 10 Maher-shalal-hash-baz: Isaiah 8: 1– 3


Number 11 Nun: Divre Hayamim 1 7: 26-7

Number 12 Rabmag: Yirmiyahu 39: 3,13

This is only part 1 of the list. There are so many great names in the Bible that are underused nowadays. Please feel free to add your own favourites. Keep watching for ‘Top Ten Biblical Names that you probably won’t name your kids’ part 2. Coming soon

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