Rabbi David Sedley

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Pocket ‘davar acher’

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The good news about these pigs is that not only are they cute, but they probably won’t be appearing on any menu any time soon (‘pigs in blankets’ takes on a whole new meaning).

They aren’t kosher, but they are small and easy to house train! No piggy messy surprises awaiting you when you get home.

Perhaps Noach spent the 120 years while building the Ark figuring out how to breed mini-animals. That would explain how he managed to fit them all into such a small ark. (Doesn’t explain how the kangaroos got to Australia though, unless he took a detour on the way to Ararat and let all the animals with pockets jump off there.)

Before you know it they’ll have invented a gefilte fish that can go straight from your fish bowl into your pocket as a school snack!

“I want one I want one I want one. I can take it to school and feed it maccabeans ™ and put it on a leash and knit little clothes for it and … and … and…”

From the BBC

A Devon fun farm is reaping the rewards of a nine-year breeding programme for miniature pigs.

The pigs, which are about a fifth of the size of ordinary pigs, have been a hit with visitors at Pennywell Farm.

TV celebrity Jonathan Ross bought two of the pint-sized porkers as pets at £150 each and there have even been offers from as far away as Australia.

The pocket pigs are a variant of the rare kune kune breed, which are found in New Zealand.

Chris Murray, co-owner of the farm near Buckfastleigh, began cross-breeding the pigs nine years ago and believes he has the perfect pet pig.

Off menu

He said: “Pigs are very cute when they are young, but they outgrow a home environment and can be aggressive when they get older.

“These pigs are just at home indoors or outdoors.”

Some pet pigs, such as the Vietnamese pot-bellied variety, have in the past been bought for their cuteness.

But they fell out of fashion when it became clear how big they grow.

The world’s smallest pig is thought to be the 28in-long wild pygmy hog, an endangered species which lives in wildlife sanctuaries in Assam, India.

Mr Murray said: “They are easy to house train and have a good temperament.

“A sow would normally snap at you if you picked up one of her litter, but these are amazingly content.”

Mr Murray doubts if they will be appearing on restaurant menus.

“They are too small, he said.

“It would be uneconomic so it’s unlikely they will be used for meat and there is already a huge amount of different pig meat available.”

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