Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

England trip

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I’m off in a couple of hours to England. i’ll be in leeds for Shavuot (speaking at the tikkun lail in UHC, sermon first day at BHH at second day at UHC).
Then I’ll be in London for shabbat and will be giving a shiur to women in Hendon on Sunday night.
If you are able or interested in coming to any of those events I look forward to seeing you.
this is also an apology that I probably won’t be able to blog until I get back.

I have had this blog now for exactly 6 months. It started out as a way to keep in touch with the Midreshet Rachel women and share some shiurim with them. I also thought I could sell some mezuzut that i had written online. but after sekking the few that i had i found that i didn’t have any time to write more.

And i got slightly addicted to blogging. i realised it is like giving a sermon without the stage fright. And without having to connect everything to the Parsha. So it is a lot of fun.

During the half a year we’ve had kittens (though not for long) and a baby (and she sure is a keeper).I’ve switched jobs a few times and Ehud olmert and his pals haven’t. We’ve argued about bonfires and been inspired by dead Rabbis. I’ve enjoyed myself.

i had hoped to make a bit of extra money with adsense, but so far that hasn’t happened. i’m still hoping.

i suppose the main reason that adsense isn’t working for me is that in the 6 months I have had almost 1000 hits (but not quite). That is pretty pathetic. My goal for the next 6 months is to try and get a LOT more hits,. For this I’ll need your help. If you rad this blog and enjoy it, could you please link to it from your blog, or tell your friends to have a look at it.

So please link to me, help support the israeli economy, and keep on sending me your feedback.

Thank you. See you all when i get back!

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