Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: 28th Av

  • 28th Av – Rav Pam’s Yarzheit


    Someone e-mailed me to say that today is also the Yarzheit of R’ Avraham Pam, Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetsky wrote this moving tribute to Rav Pam: HOW do you capture the essence of an elderly man, stricken with a devastating and, ultimately, fatal disease, who insists on attending a fundraising event, having to be brought by… Read more

  • 28th Av – The Netziv


    Today was the Yarzheit of the Netziv (R’ Naftali Tzvi Berlin), the famous uncle of the Torah Temimah (hence ‘My Uncle the Netziv’ – great reading if you can get hold of it – it was one of the first recent books to get banned because someone took offence. I suppose that makes it a… Read more