Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: 3rd Adar

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    Today is the third of Adar. Yesterday was (unsurprisingly) the second of Adar. There is a very interesting historical connection between these two dates, which very few people notice. The second of Adar (598 BCE) was the date that the First Temple was conquered by Nebuchnazzaer, and King Jeconiah taken captive. This comes from Chronicles… Read more

  • 3rd Adar Yarzheit of the Aderes

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    On Shabbos it was the Yarzheit of the Aderes, Rabbi Eliyahu David Rabinowitz Teomim (his initials spell Aderes). I wanted to copy and paste the wikipedia article on him to my blog, but there wasn’t an article on him. So I wrote it (mostly lifted from www.jewishencyclopedia.com). He is one of the few Rabbis who… Read more