Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: 5 Av

  • 5th Av – Arizal


    Today is also the Yarzheit of the AriZal, R’ Yitzchak Luria, who literally changed the world with his Torah. All of the kabbalah that we have today is through him, and the only real understanding of the Zohar is based on his teachings. There have been changes to halachah, minhagim, Torah learning, and even the… Read more

  • R’ Chaim Ozer – 5th Av

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    Today is the yarzheit of one of the greatest European Rabbis of the last century – Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski. R’ Chaim Ozer was known not only for his leadership skills, and his brilliance in Torah, but most famously for having a compartmentalised brain. He was able to do several things at the same time… Read more