Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: baby

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    She finally has a name!!! It took us a week, but we finally agreed on a name for our new baby/ daughter/ sister. And she is now called (drum roll please…) ARIELLA She is named after my great Aunt (my father’s mother’s sister) who left Hungary before the Holocaust for New Jersey, with her husband… Read more

  • Suggested Names

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    Alit and the baby finally came home from the hospital last night (motzei yomtov). Alit spent the entire Pesach in hospital, apart from seder night. That is a long time! She is exhausted. Baruch Hashem everyone is well and there was no reason for them to have stayed so long, except that the hospital wanted… Read more

  • Mazel Tov

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    With thanks to the Maker of Heaven and Earth We wanted to announce to you all the birth Of a new Sedley girl Who has entered the worl’ May she fill us and the whole place with mirth. As the daf yomi cycle moves from Mo’ed katan to Chagiga, from evel l’yom tov we are… Read more