Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: bbc

  • UK to accept Sharia law?

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    The BBC is reporting today on an interview with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams. For those of you who don’t know, Her Majesty the Queen is the head of the Anglican Church (Church of England) but the Archbishop of Canterbury is the senior bishop and principal leader of the church. (I suppose equivalent… Read more

  • Amnesty Interntational DOESN’T condemn Israel

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    Mashiach must definitely be on the way. A report from Amnesty International which accuses the Palestinians (both the good ones and the bad ones) of human rights violations! And even the BBC manages to write 8 paragraphs before it mentions that everything is Israel’s fault. It is interesting to see that both the BBC and… Read more

  • Good Old Auntie


    In America they have the ADL. In Britain they have the BBC. (Those 3 letter initials are catchy). Impartial as always, the Beeb reports on wanton destruction of artifacts on (so called?) Temple Mount. Apart from the headline (priceless) I particularly like such phrases as:“Muslim authorities at al-Aqsa mosque, also venerated by Jews as the… Read more

  • BBC on Hamas TV

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    The BBC happily write about Hamas’s very own version of Mickey Mouse as though there is nothing wrong with it. No comment on the fact that the character was killed off by being beaten to death by an Israeli agent! No discussion about what kind of programmes they are making way for! The only thing… Read more

  • Looking Bad(ly)

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    Last week we read the Torah portion of the spies. They were punished for bringing back a bad report about the land of Israel. As a result of this report and its acceptance by the people, the Israelites had to wander in the desert for 40 years (corresponding to the 40 days the spies were… Read more

  • Pizza for 4 with all the toppings – to take away!

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    Today the BBC reports: A British climber is in the closing stages of an attempt to set a world record for the highest mobile call. Rod Baber is making final preparations to scale Mount Everest and make the call from its north ridge. What I want to know is whether the pizza place will deliver… Read more