Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: biblical criticism

  • learning from a non-existent verse

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    Those of you who are learning daf yomi will have learnt (or be about to learn) the first daf of Eruvin today. On this daf, the gemara tries to find a source for the maximum height and width of a hechsher mavoi. At one point the gemara tries to learn from a verse, which Tosefot… Read more

  • Noach and the Flood


    *** Possible potential heresy warning *** Over on his blog, Dovbear asks what an Orthodox Jew is supposed to do with the story of Noah and the flood. He provides several answers, and to be honest, none of them are totally satisfactory. I would add another difficulty to the story, which is the great similarity… Read more

  • Multiple Authors


    It is not only Moshe Rabbeinu’s authorship of the Torah that is challenged by ‘experts’. Even Shakespeare’s works contain multiple authors according to new research. Prof Maguire says that a majority of plays written in this era had more than one writer – but the iconic status of Shakespeare has meant a reluctance to consider… Read more

  • Ibn Ezra, James Kugel and Multiple Authors

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    One of the stories that is on all the media at the moment is the new software which has been developed by a team in Israel which traces the different voices and ‘authors’ of the Bible. It was even picked up by Stuff, which is a New Zealand newspaper. For me the key thing in… Read more