Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: bo

  • Parshat Bo: The power of youth

    Parshat Bo: The power of youth
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    For more than a hundred years, from the end of the fifth century BCE, the Spartan army was the supreme fighting force in the ancient world. The Spartans were not known for their advances in science, technology or medicine. Apart from the Chilon in the 6th century BCE (who was renowned as one of the… Read more

  • Rosh Chodesh – the Power of Renewal

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    This shiur is also based on the writings of Rav Tzadok HaCohen. The shiur is sponsored in memory of Irena bat Ilia Brezner. May her soul be bound in the bonds of Eternal Life. This week is a new beginning for my Tuesday night women’s shiur – we have moved to a new home in… Read more