Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: chief rabbi

  • New Chief Rabbis


    I just wanted to write a very quick blog post about the newly elected Chief Rabbis – Rabbi David Lau and Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef. Firstly, I am so glad that the elections are over. It has been an embarrassing chilul Hashem for the past several months as Rabbi engaged in politics and horse-trading. It should… Read more

  • Chief Rabbi Hertz on Antisemitism

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    While looking for reading material for Tisha B’Av I came across this sermon (or short booklet, depending on how you view things) from Chief Rabbi Hertz. It is dated “First Day of Sukkot” (though he calls it ‘Tabernacles’) “1922” and addresses the current increase in antisemitism. Any discussion of antisemitism today is in the context… Read more

  • Chief Rabbi Hertz on Aggadata

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    I found this section on Aggadata in the Introduction to Nezikin in the Soncino Talmud. It is by Chief Rabbi J. H. Hertz and is clearly written to remove any charges of anti-Christian sentiment from the Talmud (if you read the entire piece it is clear that is a major issue for him – this… Read more

  • Royal Wedding and the Chief Rabbi


    Some people are very upset that the Chief Rabbi, Lord Jonathan Sacks, attended the Royal Wedding. I am not a posek and will not make a halachic ruling, but I do have personal experience. Her Majesty the Queen invited me, representing the Jews of Scotland, to attend a service of thanksgiving in St. Gyles Cathedral… Read more