Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: conversion

  • Rabbanut Monopoly on Weddings

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    Yizhar Hess wrote an article complaining about a nice Tzohar Rabbi who performed at a wedding of a nice young non-religious couple. Everything was fine, until the groom told the Rabbi that he wanted to use his army commander as a witness on the ketuba. The Tzohar Rabbi, nice as he was, refused to allow… Read more

  • Status of Jews before Matan Torah and Why Jews Stink

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    I will be giving a shiur next Shabbat, and I want to speak about the machlokes between Ramban and ‘the French Rabbis’ (quoted by Ramban) about the status of Bnei Yisrael before Matan Torah. Ramban is commenting on Toras Cohanim (cited by Rashi) at the end of the Parsha which states that the ‘blasphemer,’ who… Read more

  • Its not easy to convert

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    Statistics show that it is difficult to convert!! The latest recommendation from the Imigration Ministry to the Israeli government is speed up the conversion process. Look at these facts: 300,000 non-Jews living in Israel:I thought it was twice that number – 1 million people made Aliya from the former Soviet Union, of whom 60% were… Read more