Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: eating brachot

  • Hilchot Berachot


    For the past three summers I have given shiurim at Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya on the subject of Berachot. During the rest of the year I teach Hilchot Shabbat (which is fairly straight forward) and Hilchot Kashrut (which is much more difficult). But always the most difficult subject is Berachot. There are many reasons why it… Read more

  • You are what you eat – brachot and competitive eating


    I am going to begin teaching the laws of brachot from next week, both at Shapells and at Midreshet Rachel (and I just found out in the middle of writing this that I’ll be teaching a bekiyus shiur of gemara brachos – the 7th perek). Brachot is by far the most complicated halachic area that… Read more