Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: faith

  • Vayera – What is Faith?

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    I gave a shiur tonight(I know it is not Tuesday, but we can pretend, though the shiur may have to be renamed the ‘Sunday night shiur’ quite soon – thanks Yonit for hosting). The shiur is on Vayera and the definition of faith. Do we arrive at faith/belief through rational investigation, or by accepting unquestioningly?… Read more

  • Plain Logic

    Moshe Grylak’s column a couple of weeks ago stirred up a lot of discussion on the blogs. He was writing about the crisis of faith amongst those who are ostensibly religious and committed. Since his article I have spent many, many hours thinking of the correct response, were someone to ask me to justify his… Read more

  • Would you still be Religious?

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    Someone asked me the following question this week. This blog is my attempt at an answer (though I still don’t have a final answer, and may change my mind in the future) Let’s say archaeologists find writings from 2700 years ago, were King Josiah and the priests discuss the name of what is going to… Read more