Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: G-d’s body

  • Rambam on Omnipotence


    Further to last night’s shiur, here is the full quote from Rambam regarding G-d’s Omnipotence. Rambam clearly writes that G-d is bound by the laws of logic, and that anyone who denies this is only doing so because of religious conviction rather than based on philosophical reasoning.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifIt is from Guide for the Perplexed (Moreh Nevuchim)… Read more

  • Acharei Mot

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    I kind of cheated here, because in Israel we read Acharei Mot last week, but outside of Israel it will be read this coming week, so it is still relevant (and I didn’t give a shiur last week because of Yom HaAtzma’ut). In this shiur I try to understand the position of Rabbi Abahu, who… Read more

  • The Nature of G-d

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    I gave a shiur last night. this shiur is l’ilyi nishmat Menya bas Hertzel. I discuss two approaches in the Rishonim about how a person should come to understand G-d. Kuzari, Rav Sadiah Gaon, Rambam and others hold that the only way to understand G-d is to use rational thought to investigate His nature. Anyone… Read more