Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: Gedolim

  • The End of Cherems?


    Just a very quick post because I am busy with many things (BH). I have been saying for years (and so have many other people) that as soon as Rav Elyashiv’s protective hand was removed the knives would be drawn and all the people who had been attacked or harmed by the ‘establishment’ (in this… Read more

  • Kosher Internet – cynicism =truth


    Every time I am at my most cynical about the Chareidi community I REALLY hope that I am going over the top and will be shown to be a fool. Because every time that I find myself to be correct I end up becoming more and more cynical! Today is the ‘asifa’ in Citi-Field where… Read more

  • Best Article for Ages


    I am putting this on my blog for those who don’t read Yeshiva World, who may have missed this fantastic article. Nothing else needs to be said (which didn’t stop 123 people writing comments on yeshiva world with plenty to say). Read this if it is the only article you read this week! Rabbi Eli… Read more

  • Gedolim and the music ban

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    Yesterday someone got very cross with me and accused me of not listening to the Gedolim. I wanted to use this blog to clarify, to him and to the world, that of course I listen to the Gedolim, and have the utmost respect for them and their Torah knowledge and opinions. I have heard stories… Read more

  • Music not banned!


    Even though the ‘Gedolim’ (or at least the people who write the signs and posters on behalf of the Gedolim have banned people from attending the Avraham Fried and Yaakov Shwekey concert in Yerushalayim, I notice with some surprise and a lot of relief that they have not commented at all on the forthcoming Jethro… Read more