Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: halacha

  • Lag BaOmer on Motze’i Shabbat


    Four interesting halachot relevant to Ashkenazim this year, since the 33rd day of the Omer falls straight after Shabbat (and on Sunday) 1. The Rema rules that it is permitted to have a haircut on Friday (but not Thursday night) “lichvod Shabbat” (Orech Chaim 493:2) 2. Even though it is permitted to have a haircut… Read more

  • Blessing for Birth of Down’s Syndrome Baby

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    Last week (and again this week) Rav Shlomo Aviner publicised a p’sak halacha that parents should recite two blessings on the birth of a child with Down’s Syndrome, both shehechiyanu and dayan ha-emet. Shehechiyanu for the Birth of a Child with Down’s Syndrome Q: If someone has a baby with Down’s Syndrome, does he recite… Read more

  • Women and Hair Covering

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    I have been asked by someone about the sources for women’s hair covering. Why do they have to cover their hair? Who has to cover her hair? When does the hair need to be covered? How much? and where does it say so in the Torah. The truth is that there is no simple verse… Read more

  • Quantum Halacha

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    I’ve been investigating the nature and development of halacha for the past few months. It is extremely interesting to try and figure out how the pieces all fit together.How are we to understand the famous statement of Rabbi Yehoshua (Bava Metzia 59b) that ‘Torah is not in Heaven’ (lo bashamayim hi). According to the simple… Read more