Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: hat

  • When fashion meets Chareidim

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    Not so long ago the Vizhnitzer Rebbi banned his students from wearing anything but plain plastic framed glasses. The rabbi called on students wearing modern metal glasses to remove them and move to anti-modern plastic glasses. Rabbi Hager also spoke out against yeshiva students wearing contact lenses. According to a Hasidism source, metrosexual men and… Read more

  • The reason they wear hats!

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    Now I know! I could never figure out why Lubavitch were the only chasidim who didn’t wear shtreimelach. Now Ha’aretz newspaper has found the answer. It was all based on a fight for selection to be the next Rebbe after the death of their father in law (there were three sons in law, and the… Read more