Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: humour

  • New Zealand Jewish Humour

    Somehow these old Jewish jokes almost sound funny when told with a New Zealand accent You can read more about here on Jewish Humour Central Read more

  • Cockney Cash

    I’m not sure whether this was an April Fools article, or whether it is real, but it made me laugh (and has absolutely nothing to do with Judaism). Apparently, according to the BBC, cash machines in east London now speak Cockney Rhyming Slang. So you insert you barrel of lard, and enter your Huckleberry Finn.… Read more

  • Getting Osama

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    I don’t know your views on the Republican candidates, especially after the latest primary. Since I am only a New Zealander I am not entitled to an opinion. On the other hand, as a Kiwi I rightfully take pride in this op ed piece from stuff (the best site for New Zealand news). Enjoy: I’ll… Read more

  • Blood on their hands?

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    I always thought that Ynet was a leftist website. At least that doesn’t prevent them laughing at the craziness of the current political situation in Israel. This could have come straight from Israel Satire Laboratories! Blood on whose hands? Avi Rath describes imaginary government session on release of Palestinian murderers Published: 12.31.07, 00:07 / Israel… Read more

  • Puff’s not about drugs


    Apparently Puff the Magic Dragon is nothing to do with marijuana. According to Peter Yarrow who wrote the song, it is really about rites of passage, and Jackie Paper becoming Bar Mitzvah. Here is part of the the article from the Jerusalem Post St. Louis – Peter Yarrow wants to make something clear: “Puff the… Read more

  • Erev Shabbos viewing

    This doesn’t really have anything at all to do with Judaism or Parshat Vayigash, but I was just reminiscing (again) about old TV shows. I was wondering whether there were any ‘Vision On’ clips on YouTube. While looking for that I found this clip. Blue Peter is a long running British children’s TV show (famous… Read more

  • Graphic Chanukah images


    I saw this picture posted on hashkafa.com. It shows a chanukah crime scene, with a sufganiya (jelly donut) brutally attacked and murdered. However, without wishing to justify violent crime, I would like to suggest that it may have been self-defence. I only ate one of them, and this is what they did to me! (Picture… Read more

  • Microsoft Menorah in the Window (TM)


    My neighbour has just put up Mezuzot on all the doors of the elevator (on every floor – don’t even ask what the halachah is – (as Nike would say) just do it! Because apparently frumkeit is nothing to do with halachah or bein adam l’chaveiro). That set me thinking. What other chumras are we… Read more

  • Kosher for Hamukah


    WHOOPS!! This monumental goof was posted on Badvertising This is what happens when political correctness is combined with rabid consumerism and complete lack of brains or knowledge! Here is the thought process behind this. We want to sell products to our Jewish customers too. We can’t label everything for Xmas because that would be insensitive… Read more

  • Phones are sooo 1975!

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    I sometimes wonder whether the current Israeli leadership understands what is going on. Perhaps they just don’t see things properly. Or hear. Or think… It seems that the government is out of touch with their electorate, world Jewish opinion, and current Arab and Palestinian thinking. Perhaps they got their wires crossed. This is a transcript… Read more