Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: israel

  • Blood on their hands?

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    I always thought that Ynet was a leftist website. At least that doesn’t prevent them laughing at the craziness of the current political situation in Israel. This could have come straight from Israel Satire Laboratories! Blood on whose hands? Avi Rath describes imaginary government session on release of Palestinian murderers Published: 12.31.07, 00:07 / Israel… Read more

  • Phones are sooo 1975!

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    I sometimes wonder whether the current Israeli leadership understands what is going on. Perhaps they just don’t see things properly. Or hear. Or think… It seems that the government is out of touch with their electorate, world Jewish opinion, and current Arab and Palestinian thinking. Perhaps they got their wires crossed. This is a transcript… Read more

  • Teshuva for Disengagement?


    There are at least three components to true repentance; regret about the past, to stop sinning in the present, and to resolve never to do it again in the future. I wonder to what extent Ben Eliezer’s statements here represent the national feeling. Perhaps Israel is beginning to do teshuva for the enormous damage and… Read more

  • Emergency Campaign to Save Jerusalem

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    I’m posting this to show my solidarity with yidwithlid, Jerusalem and the The United Coalition for Jerusalem. I believe that to show the world, ourselves and G-d how many people care about Jerusalem and don’t want it destroyed, will be a kiddush Hashem, and will help us focus in our prayers and efforts to get… Read more

  • Minister of Defense

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    Or perhaps more precisely – Minister of Defending his own political future. Ehud Barak stopped the military from carrying out a security operation against terrorists because it won’t look good when Israel goes to Annapolis for peace talks. Clearly the terrorists building the bombs and planning the attacks on civilians are in favour of peace.… Read more

  • Beilin ‘Jewish’


    After much soul searching and political pressure, Israel has decided not to cut off electricity to Gaza in response to kassam attacks. Yet again Israel’s attempt to thwart the peace process didn’t work (Or as the BBC would say ‘Attacks won’t get in the way of the peace process). The idea of supplying the enemy… Read more

  • Alan Johnston’s answers


    Alan Johnston is a BBC reporter who was held hostage in Gaza for 114 days. On the BBC website he answers readers questions in (what seems to me) quite a fair, honest and evenhanded way. Of course his kidnapping led him to a higher opinion of Palestinians in general (it was only the hostage takers… Read more

  • Amnesty Interntational DOESN’T condemn Israel

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    Mashiach must definitely be on the way. A report from Amnesty International which accuses the Palestinians (both the good ones and the bad ones) of human rights violations! And even the BBC manages to write 8 paragraphs before it mentions that everything is Israel’s fault. It is interesting to see that both the BBC and… Read more

  • Older and Wiser

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    Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? They don’t come much older than President Shimon Peres, but yesterday, while speaking to the Austrian chancellor he finally admitted (or figured out) something that most of us have known for a very long time – Hamas wants to destroy Israel! (Do you think he… Read more

  • Good Old Auntie


    In America they have the ADL. In Britain they have the BBC. (Those 3 letter initials are catchy). Impartial as always, the Beeb reports on wanton destruction of artifacts on (so called?) Temple Mount. Apart from the headline (priceless) I particularly like such phrases as:“Muslim authorities at al-Aqsa mosque, also venerated by Jews as the… Read more