Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: JBlogger Convention

  • Some suggestions for the 2nd JBlogging Convention

    OK, I suppose I was a bit too harsh in my assessment of the JBlogging convention because I’ve had many more hits than usual and been mentioned by DovBear! Must be bad. The truth is that if I’d just read his liveblogging of the event it would have been much better. He cut Bibi down… Read more

  • inside the monkey suit – Jblogger convention


    There is a principle in halacha that people don’t lie about something which can easily be proven false. Which is why I don’t understand the guys who found Bigfoot. What were they thinking? Perhaps nobody will notice it is a rubber monkey suit?Quite honestly I couldn’t care less if there is a bigfoot or not,… Read more

  • JBlogger Convention

    As you have probably noticed by now I haven’t blogged in a long time. I always wondered how people could have a blog for many months or years and then just give up. I won’t mention names, but we all know several bloggers who have disappeared from our rss feeds. Blogging used to give me… Read more