Rabbi David Sedley

A repository of written, audio and video Torah classes given by Rabbi David Sedley

Category: kiruv

  • Ami article

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    There is an article in Ami magazine (a magazine I have been fortunate not to read until now) which describes the issue of outwardly Orthodox people who have lost their faith. There is a scan of the article here: I am actually shocked by the level of hatred and lack of understanding presented in this… Read more

  • Kiruv for non-Jews


    I have been asked to post this psak of R’ Moshe Sterbuch on my blog. It seems to me that he is certainly not speaking about someone who is in the process of conversion (or investigating that option), but is writing about a person who is not interested in being Jewish. Hence the name ‘kiruv… Read more

  • Top Ten Reasons

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    Two posts that really changed my day yesterday (well, what I mean is that I quoted them several times during the course of the day). Juggling Frogs has written probably the best blog article I have ever read about how to sell vacuum cleaners and how (not) to do kiruv. She writes so well and… Read more